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游明、牟方志研究员等撰写的研究论文被期刊Journal of Materials Chemistry B 接收


    博士生游明、牟方志研究员等撰写的研究论文“Magnetic-chemotactic hybrid microrobots with precise remote targeting capability”被期刊Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2023年IF: 6.1JIF分区Q1) 接收!

    磁驱微纳米机器人的运动行为(启动/停止、加速/减速、转向等)完全依靠外部磁场控制,这一特性极大地制约了它们在生物医药领域的实际应用。为了将磁驱微米机器人更加广泛地应用到生物医药领域,需要赋予其更多的主动智能特性。本文提出将磁场驱动与趋化运动相结合,得到了一种远程磁驱-近程趋化、具有双动力模式、可自寻靶并完成杀菌任务的ZnO/Fe-Ag双面神微米机器人(JMRs)。当该微米机器人距离目的地(化学信号源)较远时,可利用磁场先将其驱动至化学源的辐射范围,随后即可撤去磁场,JMRs与介质中H+(CO2)发生化学反应,通过自电泳行为在化学源建立的浓度梯度场中体现出正趋化运动。这种混合动力JMRs在自驱动阶段无需依赖外界控制即可自行抵达目的地周围。此外,ZnO/Fe-Ag JMRs对金黄色葡萄球菌的杀菌实验结果表明在16.0 μg/mL的低浓度下,ZnO/Fe-Ag JMRs悬浮液即可杀灭环境中的大部分细菌,表明其具有高效的杀菌能力。这类微米机器人预期将在靶向药物递送、靶向治疗和微环境处理等领域有可观的应用前景

    原文摘要如下:Micro/nanorobots (MNRs) hold great promise for various applications due to their capability to execute complex tasks in hard-to-reach micro/nano cavities. However, the developed magnetic MNRs, as marionettes of external magnetic fields, lack built-in intelligence for self-targeting, while chemotactic MNRs suffer from limited self-targeting range. Here, we demonstrate magnetic-chemotactic ZnO/Fe-Ag Janus microrobots (JMRs) capable of rapid, remote self-targeting for bacterial elimination. The JMRs utilize the magnetic Fe engine for coarse navigation from a distance, allowing for external control to swiftly guide them to the vicinity of a hidden/uncharted target that establishes a local chemical gradient ([CO2] or [H+] gradient). Once in proximity, the inherent chemotaxis of the JMRs takes over, the chemotactic engine enables them to autonomously accumulate at the target site along the chemical gradient in high precision. Upon reaching the target, the ZnO/Fe-Ag JMRs can release Zn2+ and Ag+ to eliminate bacteria residing there. The proposed strategy of integrating on-board chemotaxis with external magnetic field-driven propulsion paves the way for efficient precise therapies using MNRs, especially in targeted drug/energy delivery involving remote hidden or uncharted targets.


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