杨满义、牟方志、李智等合作完成的论文被Science Advances接收!
我组博士生杨满义、牟方志研究员与中部军区总医院李智主任医师等合作完成的研究论文“Swarming magnetic nanorobots bio-interfaced by heparinoid-polymer brushes for in vivo safe synergistic thrombolysis”被Science 子刊Science Advances(中科院1区Top期刊)接收!
原文摘要如下:Biocompatible swarming magnetic nanorobots are demonstrated that work in blood vessels for safe and efficient targeted thrombolytic therapy in vivo. This is achieved by using magnetic beads elaborately grafted with heparinoid-polymer brushes (HPBs) upon the application of an alternating magnetic field B(t). Due to the dense surface charges bestowed by HPBs, the swarming nanorobots demonstrate reversible agglomeration-free reconfigurations, low hemolysis, anti-bioadhesion, and self-anticoagulation in high-ionic-strength blood environments. They are confirmed in vitro and in vivo to perform synergistic thrombolysis efficiently by “motile-targeting” drug delivery and mechanical destruction. Moreover, upon the completion of thrombolysis and removal of B(t), the nanorobots disassemble into dispersed particles in blood, allowing them to safely participate in circulation and be phagocytized by immune cells without apparent organ damage or inflammatory lesion. This work provides a rational multifaceted heparinoid-polymer-brush bio-interfacing design strategy for biomedical nanorobots and a general motile platform to deliver drugs for targeted therapies.