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郭霞、牟方志等撰写的研究论文被Journal of Materials Chemistry C接收


    祝贺郭霞、王玉宽、牟方志等撰写的研究论文“Phototactic Micromotor Assemblies in Dynamic Line Formations for Wide-Range Micromanipulations”被英国皇家化学学会ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY旗下材料类期刊Journal of Materials Chemistry C2021IF: 7.393)接收!

    在自然界中,生物体可通过自组织组装形成特定的队形结构,从而相互协作完成各种任务。受此启发,我们提出了一种能够用于大范围操控大粒径货物粒子的动态线阵趋光微米马达集群。所设计的各向同性马达,即磁珠@TiO2的核壳结构马达(MB@TiO2 MMS),具有磁性内核和光催化活性壳。当施加两种独立的激发场时,即光和静磁场,可分别激发其趋光运动和磁控组装,继而使其自组装成可趋光运动的线阵马达集群。经自组织组装后,集群化的各向同性马达表现出在个体层面不具备的有趣涌现性行为,如动态的组装/解组装行为、强鲁棒性、低轨迹曲折度和线阵取向可控趋光性。得益于其涌现性集群行为,该趋光线阵马达集群表现出优异的环境适应性,因而能在开放和受限的环境中完成对大型货物的广域协作操控(包括协作运输和协作清扫)。由于其简易的集群构建和光操控,这种线阵趋光马达集群有望作为高鲁棒性低成本的可重构微机器人系统,广泛应用于微加工、病原体/毒素清除等领域。

    原文摘要如下:In nature, living organisms can perform powerful cooperation by assembling themselves into defined formations. Enlightened by this, we herein demonstrate phototactic micromotor assemblies flocking in dynamic line formations for manipulating large cargoes in a wide range. When two independent stimuli, light and static magnetic field, are applied to respectively trigger their phototactic propulsion and magnetic assembly, isotropic micromotors designed with photocatalytic shell and magnetic core (i.e., magnetic bead@TiO2 core-shell-structured micromotors, MB@TiO2 MMs) can self-organize into phototactic assemblies flocking in line formations. After self-organization, they exhibit intriguing emergent behaviors that individuals do not have, such as dynamic assembly/disassembly, strong robustness, less trajectory tortuosity and orientation-dependent phototaxis. Benefiting from their emergent collective behaviors, the phototactic assemblies show excellent adaptivity to local landscapes and can accomplish wide-range cooperative manipulation (cooperative transport and "sweeping") of large cargoes in both open and confined environments. The developed micromotor assemblies, due to their simple construction and easy light operation, are promising to serve as robust, reconfigurable and low-cost microrobot systems for microengineering and pathogen/toxin elimination.


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