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牟方志、谢琦等撰写的研究论文被National Science Reviews接收


    祝贺牟方志、谢琦等撰写的研究论文“ZnO-based micromotors fueled by CO2: the first example of self-reorientation-induced biomimetic chemotaxis”被我国英文综合性学术期刊National Science Reviews《国家科学评论》(2019年IF: 16.693,在综合性学术期刊中仅排在Nature、Science之后列第三位)接收!


    原文摘要如下:Synthetic chemotactic micro/nanomotors are envisioned to actively ‘seek out’ targets by following specific chemicals, but they are mainly powered by bioincompatible fuels and only show pseudochemotaxis (or advanced chemokinesis) due to their weak self-reorientation capabilities. Here we demonstrate that synthetic ZnO-based Janus micromotors can be powered by an alternative biocompatible fuel of CO2, and further provide the first example of self-reorientation-induced biomimetic chemotaxis using them. The ZnO-based micromotors are highly sensitive to the dissolved CO2 in water, which enables the corrosion of ZnO to continuously occur by providing H+ through hydration. Thus, they can autonomously move even in the water exposed to air based on self-diffusiophoresis. Furthermore, they can sense local CO2 gradient and perform positive chemotaxis by self-reorientations under the electroosmotic viscous torque. Our discovery opens a gate to develop intelligent micro/nanomotors powered by and sensitive to biocompatible atmospheric or endogenous gaseous chemicals for biomedical and environmental applications.


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